About e-mage…

E-mage, Eric Leraillez, these are the same things… I, Eric, am a French graphic designer based in Helsinki and, believe it or not, I can speak Finnish! I have been working for many years in Finland. My favorite tool is Photoshop… after pencil and rubber. I do compositing, manipulation of pictures, illustrations (conventional drawing or Illustrator) and layout with InDesign. For this site I collected some samples of my works. Feel free to leave comments!
My clients have been kind enough to share their thoughts on my collaboration to their work:
Eric is a versatile graphic designer who can not only deliver what he’s asked for, but also add some own ingredients and insights to achieve even better results than expected. Eric is also a very reliable and extremely nice person to work with.
Jouni Junkkaala, Managing editor at MPC
I have known Eric Leraillez for many years as he has been a long-time contributing illustrator and graphic artist for the MikroPC magazine I work for as a staff editor and a photographer.
During the many and varied projects on which we have worked together Eric has always shown an amazing ability to come up with a great illustration idea, even when there has seemed to be no evident ingredients for one. Sometimes even developing a whole concept out of one or two words.
Eric is also an exceptionally versatile and talented graphic artist, his skills spanning all the way from comic strip style through technical illustrations to complex image composites and manipulations.
Aside from my other duties I have also collaborated with Eric on several illustration projects as a photographer, Eric having been in charge of compositing, retouching and post-processing, and those occasions have been extremely fun, inspirational and educational. Simply put, absolute pleasure to have been involved with.
As a co-worker Eric is an easy-going person for whom nothing seems to be impossible. He is very flexible and easy to work with, yet never compromising the quality and vision of the end-product.
I can sincerely and whole-heartedly recommend Eric for any artistic, graphic or illustration project where the highest quality end-results are of utmost importance.
Jari Tomminen, Staff editor, photographer at MikroPC
Eric Leraillez on todellinen graafisen työn ammattilainen, jonka kanssa on aina mukava työskennellä. Häneen on voinut aina luottaa ja etukäteen on voinut olla varma laadukkaasta tuotoksesta. En muista, että hän olisi myöskään koskaan lipsunut sovitusta aikataulusta.
Kimmo Seppälä, Experienced media and communications professional
I could recommend Eric at any time you need graphics, be it info graphics or just funny pictures. He has a recognizable style, very nice and personal ideas and he is a very nice person to work with.
Raili Leino, journalist at Talentum Media
”Ericin kanssa on aina ilo tehdä töitä – tarjolla on roppakaupalla näkemystä, taitoa, kokemusta ja ideointivoimaa. Ericin uskomattoman monipuolinen tyylipaletti yhdistettynä toteutuskykyyn ja todella mukavaan persoonaan on minusta aika vastustamaton paketti.”
Ari Nyman, graafinen suunnittelija, Nymandesign Oy

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