Putkiaivo is a comic that has been published in Tekniikka & Talous for a few years. Texts are by my friend Gurhan Besen, drawings by me. Putkiaivo is the story of The Boss. He never backs down from facing challenges that come his way although succeeding is not what he is best at… Here are some examples of his troubles…
“Every problem has a solution.
All you need to learn is never to
come to me before you’ve found it!”
The Boss
“Your aim should always be to reach for the stars. And when you get there why don’t you join me for a cup of coffee?”
The Boss
“I remember my dad taking me to
his work place for the first time.
It was a turning point in my life.
Too bad, my wife had a dentist appointment that day so she couldn’t be there to witness it “
The Boss
“I could watch tiny little ants, working hard carrying pieces of food to their nest, all day long.
But then who would do my
work at the office?”
The Boss